A Pair of Sneakers

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved wearing sneakers with any outfit, especially dresses. My favorite pair to wear were red; they didn’t match anything, but I wore them with everything! I wanted to feel girlie yet still be able to play. How practical! 

So what is it about a pair of sneakers that brings such comfort and joy? Well, walking comfortably. Walking has so many benefits like boosting your brain power, helping you chill out easier and warding off depression, just to name a few. Sneakers can also go anywhere with you. I used to keep a pair under my desk so I would be ready for a walk at any point throughout the day, especially when a good head clearing was needed. Moving my body and getting fresh air always does the trick.  Regardless of the number of miles or minutes, walking in a comfortable pair of sneakers is magic!

My travel bag always includes a pair of sneakers, for many reasons. When I travel with my dog Stella, I need my sneakers to take her for daily walks. We walk two or three times a day, and this happens rain or shine! I’m not always sure I’ll have access to a gym so having a pair of sneakers guarantees that I’ll move my body no matter where I am.  

Make it stand out

My favorite pair to wear were red; they didn’t match anything, but I wore them with everything! 

Sneakers are therapeutic. It was a pair of sneakers that helped me get through one of the most difficult times of my life – a divorce. Crazy, I never thought I would be divorced and never did I think a pair of sneakers would help me cope. My sister Andrea convinced me to join her in running the Las Vegas Rock & Roll half marathon so I put on a pair of sneakers and began training for a half marathon. My sneakers, became my best friend. Always there, always listening, and always making me feel better. Together, we completed the half marathon which took me 13.1 miles farther on my healing journey. 

Sneakers are stylish too! While traveling extensively for a year and wearing sneakers every day, I began to feel more and more comfortable wearing my sneakers with just about any outfit. I even wore sneakers to my 50th birthday party with my sequined dress. That was my favorite look by far! Not only was I comfortable the entire night, I also felt like I was dressed for my personality – fun, confident and comfortable. So, you don’t have to only wear your sneakers to work out or with a casual outfit, wear your sneakers whenever you feel like it. A pair of sneakers is such a simple thing and sometimes underutilized or even taken for granted. I don’t care if you wear a pair of Sketchers, Adidas or Golden Goose, sneakers are a staple, and they can change your mind set at any moment. Just put on your sneakers and go for a walk. Reflect, ponder, and breathe – three things a pair of sneakers can help you do.  

Now don’t get me wrong, I will always love a beautiful high heel and will still wear them occasionally. Today, I’m choosing to wear what feels right for me. When I’m wearing my sneakers, it’s easier to kick aside the limiting beliefs that hold me back. Stepping into my confidence brings me joy…and comfort.

So the next time you’re feeling stressed, anxious, happy or sad, put on a pair of sneakers to connect your mind, body and spirit. You won’t be disappointed.

Live You Now: Lace up your sneakers at least once a day for the next 11 days and go take a walk.




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