50 Lessons In 50 Years.

Turning 50 this year was invigorating! It took me 50 years, but I am finally living a life filled with JOY, LOVE, and ADVENTURE. I can’t say that I’m living the life I always imagined, because I wasn’t that person. I didn’t have a vision board for my life - I simply lived accepting what came my way. Thankfully, a lot of good things came my way which is frankly why I never took the time to create a vision for my life. It wasn’t until my divorce at age 47 that I realized I needed to be more intentional about my life. These blogs are about the things I do, big and small, to live a fulfilling life.

I hope my lessons bring you comfort in knowing that it’s never too late to change your way of living. It’s never too late to find your joy. Don’t wait for a divorce, an illness or any other life altering moment to Live You Now!